
Read Modern Indian history Book to crack Prestigious Competitive Exam

Today, if you want to become IAS, IPS or any Government officer, you have to crack prestigious competitive exams. But it isn’t easy to crack a competitive exam. In fact, it has become an uphill task. You have to be well aware of the exam pattern and also prepare well to clear the exam. The first step towards your preparation for any competitive examination is to understand the nitty-gritty of the examination. You must thoroughly scan through the syllabus and also check the pattern of it. You should check all the sections carefully and also find the percentage of questions asked from each subject.  Reading popular competitive Magazine like Pratiyogita Darpan has become quintessential for every aspirant who wants to crack civil services and other exams. It gives you a great source of knowledge on almost every important topic which is very crucial to write the Essay paper and also four GS papers, especially given the current examination pattern and questions asked in these papers....

How To Select Current Affairs Magazine For Preparing Exam

Are you an aspirant appearing for competitive exams? Then be calm about the study material and search out the best out of everything. If you are looking to enhance your general knowledge through Current Affairs Magazine, you will search out so many magazines that you will be puzzled about which one will be totally appropriate for you. So to overcome this situation, here are some amazing guidelines that will surely help you to  buy current affair magazines in 2018 . Current Affairs magazine:- Take a dive at diverse current affairs magazines and analyze which will the perfect one for you. If you really like the magazine as per the current affairs scenario, you can choose it blindly. Many aspirants choose the magazines of current affairs which includes the complete information of the news in various countries. Be clear about your precise requirement : The most significant in the procedure of choosing the most appropriate magazine for current affairs magazine is the clarit...

Can You Prepare Quantitative Aptitude for SSC and Bank Together?

SSC and Bank Exams are two big opportunities for government job seekers. If you are keen to get ready for both these exams together, you require to be very sure that it will need a lot of commitment and severe hard work. Quantitative aptitude is a common subject for both exams and needs to be prepared with the assistance of   quantitative aptitude books . SSC needs conceptual knowledge of Advanced Mathematics, but it is not so in Bank Exams.   To get ready for Quantitative Aptitude for both these exams simultaneously, the most significant thing is to recognize the pattern and the syllabus for these exams. The pattern of these two examinations is quite different. Along with this, there are various similarities and differences between the sort of questions asked in both these exams. Quantitative aptitude for bank exams comprises topics like ratio and proportion, profit and loss, distance and time, inequality, number series, simplification and approximation, permutatio...

10 Reasons Today’s Students Need Technology to Study

Technology is spread everywhere tangled in approximately every part of our daily routine. It influences how we live, play, work, and most prominently learn. With smartphones, tablets and other wireless devices like the IoT becoming a growing need across every industry today. As per the saying, school classrooms also require advanced technology which enable students to learn quickly. 10 Reasons Why your Students Need Technology to Study 1) If used in a right way, technical devices and the applications they support, will enable prepare students for their future enhancements. 2) Incorporating technology into the classroom is the best way to link with students of all learning patterns. 3) It provides students the chance to improve the communication with their classmates and instructors by cheering collaboration. 4) Utilizing technology in the classroom provides teachers and other faculty members the chance to develop their student's digital skills. It's one ...

How to Select the Correct Career Path that Suits you Best?

Selecting a career is a tricky question. Whether you are at initial level or have years of experience, the question always come to mind is ‘where now?’. It is that point when an individual has to sit back and think about the goal and passion and also about how much worthy you are at the current organization. Many times, you have worth in your company but not have matchable pay or there might be the company culture you are not comfortable with. Unluckily, there are many people who end up selecting the unwanted career and frustrate themselves in the long run. Being on the wrong line doesn’t only destroy your professional life but also harms your personal life too. So, it’s important to select the correct career. Below given are some important points that you should follow to select the correct career to be happy for the rest of your life. Dig out your strengths Every individual has some strengths and some weakness too. The main motive is to reach out what you are really...

How to Prepare for Competitive Exams without Coaching

If you are preparing for any competitive or entrance exams, you tend to have a strategized scheduling for the learning process. Most of the people join coaching centers and give heavy loaded money. If you are not about to join coaching centers, then it will not be much difficult to get succeeded. There are diverse successful candidates who have cracked the competitive exams without going the coaching centers. But, you need to be more careful and have strict time schedule as there is no external monitor. Below are the given tips to prepare for competitive exams without coaching:- Strict Schedule for Regular Studies: Time is the most important aspect in shaping your accomplishment in competitive exams. Ensure you start your planning in advance, so that you have plenty of time in your hands. Segregate the complete syllabus into equivalent parts in order to be competent to wrap up the whole syllabus timely. Magazine Subscription : While preparing for the competitive exam...

Tips to improve English at home

There are so many of us struggling to speak and communicate better in English. It our effort to improve, we are constantly trying to find help - different tools or people who can make our spoken English better. But what do you do when you are alone, all by yourself? How can you utilize this time for a fruitful outcome? We all know that reading, writing, listening, can all be done alone through various apps or magazine subscriptions but what about speaking? Well, the answer is you can actually improve your spoken English even without a speaking partner, while you are all alone. Not convinced? Let us explain how. Think in English - Yes, it is important to save your brain from the unnecessary exercise of translating. If you think in your native language and then try to speak in English, your brain will have to invest time in translating thoughts to words, thus hampering your fluency and accuracy. Train your brain to think in english even when you are thinking about common thing...