Scope and Importance of General Knowledge
Every competitive exam in India and the world over invariably has a section on General Knowledge. It is impossible to ace any prestigious qualifying exam without having a good grasp of General Knowledge. So, why is General Knowledge so important for people who aspire to land the best jobs or positions in any organization or system? General Knowledge, or Samanya Gyan in Hindi , is basically the knowledge of every aspect of human life. It is definitely not a discipline in which you can acquire all the knowledge by reading a few books or acquiring a degree. It is the knowledge you attain by being aware of your surroundings. The major aspects of the human life like arts, politics, culture, sports, technology, history, medicine, etc. combine to form a single domain which can, to a certain extent, be termed as General Knowledge. However, the scope and importance of General Knowledge span way beyond answering the questions in a quiz or some exam. Your up-to-date general knowledge become...