Tips to Prepare for GK to Succeed in Competitive Exams
General Knowledge constitutes the core of all subjects in any Competitive Examination weather it is banking, Railways and SSC or any other test. So, it is important to ponder over the seriousness the subject of GK requires in its preparation and as such, develop a wise approach in tackling this section. A number of tips can be listed in GK preparation which can help you in qualifying General knowledge section for competitive exams smoothly. First of all, focus on questions which not only help candidates in qualifying the examinations but also bring out the best in him/her to perform at the time of Interview stage, for, during practice of these questions the candidates can master the art of hitting the nail on the head. General knowledge questions are miscellaneous consisting of subjects like Physical Geography, Indian and World Geography, Indian and World History, International Organizations, Everyday Science Awards and Honors, Indian Economy, Indian Polity and Constitution, Oth...